Papery Peep : July 2015

Today is the last Wednesday of the month, so that means it’s Papery Peep time, over at The Reading Residence (if, like me, you have a paper fetish; you should pop over for a nosy – Jocelyn is a lady who knows how to do paper right 😉 )

Anyway, back to Papery Peep…

What is it?

Papery Peep is a Linky Jocelyn runs every month to assist in fueling one another’s love of all things papery, by sharing your paper-based escapades.

So, without further ado; please feel free to have a peep at my paper…

New acquisitions!

A new TIGER store opened in town (2 doors down from Paperchase – I’m doomed!) so I’ve popped in there a few times for a rummage.

I think one of my favourite TIGER finds is their parcel tape. Bright, fun & funky prints; plus, at £1 for a 30m x 5cm roll, it's an absolute bargain!

I think one of my favourite TIGER finds is their parcel tape. Bright, fun & funky prints; plus, at £1 for a 30m x 5cm roll, it’s an absolute bargain!

No, I didn’t stop at tape. No, I didn’t bypass Paperchase. I am weak.

There were delightfully fishy goings-on in this month's Paperhaul

There were delightfully fishy goings-on in this month’s Paperhaul


This month also brought some rather lovely #BringBackPaper Stationery Swap goodies from Hannah

My other papery shenanigans this month included:


Normally I devour books at an alarming rate but, looking back, this month has been pretty dire.

I raced through a few at the start of the month but I’ve been trudging through Requiem by Robyn Young for what seems like weeks. I don’t know why; it ticks a lot of the usual boxes:

  • Historical background
  • Political intrigue
  • Templars
  • A favourite era….

So I’m not sure why it’s such a struggle. Anyway, I feel that now I’m 3/4 way through, I need to finish it. It’s not that it’s a ‘bad’ book, otherwise I’d have ditched it a few hundred pages back. I guess I’ll finish it eventually!


There’s been quite a bit of writing this month!

Firstly, I’ve been making a concerted effort to make blogging a regular event, so there’s been a lot of jotting down ideas.

Then there was Postcrossing’s 10th Birthday and Summer Postcard Club, both of which involved the writing (& receiving!) of many postcards.


I’ve already shared some papery creations with you this month, through some crafty DIY posts:

I shared how to make cute little Happymail folders.

I shared how to make cute little Happymail folders.

If you missed that post, you can find it here.

I also shared 5 quick ways to use up some of our tape mountain

I also shared 5 quick ways to use up some of our tape mountain

You can see that post here.

There were a few other projects that I dabbled with, but they are either a WIP, or parts of swaps or gifts that haven’t been received yet; so they are under wraps for now!

One thing that I CAN share is my new planner:IMG_20150729_140918979

I’m a planner. I like to be organised. I list. I write lists of what lists I need to write. BUT I had never properly ‘joined’ The Planner community.


Now, one thing I don’t get is the idea of spending £50-£100 a time on multiple glorified diary/notebook combos (if that’s your thing, great! Me, personally, I’d rather spend my money on other things…) So, think of this as a sort of anti-planner. I bought a cheap ass planner (around £6 or £7 including shipping from halfway around the world) and set about adding to it. The pages that WERE in it have been supplemented with bits of my old planner book that had seen better days, I’ve been adding bits and bobs and generally just having a play around.


I’m eager to see how it evolves, but I’m super-impressed with it so far!

Anyway, that’s all for now; I need to catch the post office before it closes and there’s probably another visit to TIGER on the cards…bringbackpaper_zps23ee7e30

Thanks for stopping by! Xx

If you haven’t had your papery fill yet, remember there’s still time to enter my Stationery Giveaway!